PlantUML: the missing piece in your project’s documentation | Drawing diagrams with text

Raphael De Lio
7 min readJul 24, 2022

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Before we get started, I would like to thank Richard Den Adel who introduced Plant UML to me. Thank you, Richard!

This story is also available on YouTube, you can watch it here.

Documentation? I hope you are not afraid of this word. There are only a few developers I know who truly enjoy writing and designing this essential piece of every project.

While documentation might be loved by a few and frowned upon by others, all of you have suffered when onboarding a project you’re not familiar with, without proper documentation.

I understand, you’re a developer, you’re supposed to be writing code, to be pressing down all these keys in order to listen to that pleasing sound of your mechanical keyboard.

Clicking, dragging, swiping, that’s not really your thing… You don’t want to spend hours playing of drawing diagrams with the most variety of tools available for that matter.

More than that, even if you draw a diagram, you don’t want to memorize the rules of UML, different types of shapes, arrows, lines… Your drawing is pretty understandable, if you had scribbled it on a napkin while drinking a beer at your local bar, the result would’ve probably been the same.

I know, I know, I don’t like that either. (Am I lying? I love writing, that’s why I write here in the first place). But wait, I don’t like drawing, that’s for sure… And that’s why I love PlantUML!

I love PlantUML because it’s fast, it’s pleasing, and it’s all I love doing but doing something different. I can draw my diagrams without swiping, dragging, scratching, or clicking… I can code and see results and I can break it if I don’t follow the proper syntax. That’s lovely in my opinion.

What is PlantUML

In a nutshell, Plant UML is a component that allows you to write UML diagrams and other non-UML diagrams in a powerful and quick way.

You can check their documentation at:

What is UML?

UML, or Unified Modeling Language, is a language intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.

It was created to define a common modeling language for the architecture, design, and implementation of complex software systems both structurally and behaviorally.

UML diagrams are categorized under two branches: Structural and Behavioral:


Example of a Class Diagram following UML

Example of a Class Diagram

Have you seen a diagram like this before? This is a UML Class Diagram. Now imagine drawing it… Dragging and dropping all these shapes, resizing, copying and pasting, pulling arrows, rearranging them, rearranging everything because they don’t fit in the canvas anymore…

Forget about it, that’s how you would draw this diagram using PlantUML:

@startumlinterface Person #line:black;header:pink;back:white {
+name: str
+phoneNumber: str
+emailAdress: str
class Address #line:black;header:lightblue;back:white {
+street: str
+city: str
+state: str
+postalCode: str
+country: str
-validate(): bool
+outputAsLabel(): str
class Student #line:black;header:bisque;back:white {
+studentNumber: int
+averageMark: int
+isEligibleToEnroll(int): str
+getSeminarsTaken(): str
class Professor #line:black;header:lightyellow;back:white {
~salary: int
#staffNumber: int
-yearsOfService: int
+numberOfClasses: int
Person "0..1" -> "1" Address : lives at
Professor --|> Person
Student --|> Person
Professor "1..5" -> "0..*" Student : supervises

And this would be the result you would get:

Diagram made by PlantUML showing the interactions between a Professor, a Student, a Person and an Address. Person is an interface that is implemented by Professor and Student. 0 or 1 Person lives at 1 Address. 1 to 5 professors supervises 0 to many students. A person has a name, phone number, email address and can purchase a parking pass. A student has a student number, an average mark and can check if he’s eligible to enroll and also get seminars. A Professor has salary, staff number…
PlantUML autogenerated diagram

Other Types of Diagrams

Class Diagram

A class diagram is the most commonly used UML diagram that maps the structure of a system’s classes, attributes, functions, and relations.

This is the one you saw in the example above.

Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram because it describes how — and in what order — a group of objects works together. These diagrams are used by software developers and business professionals to understand requirements for a new system or to document an existing process.

Diagram made by hand: A sequence diagram showing the interactions among a student, a seminar and a course. The student sends a request to the Seminar to be enrolled. The seminar sends a request to the Course to know if the Student is eligible. The Course requests the seminar history from the Student. The Student replies to the Course with his seminar history. The Course replies to the seminar with the eligibility status. The Seminar replies to the student with the enrollment status
Example of a Sequence Diagram from

Let’s see how we can remake this diagram using PlantUML

@startumlparticipant aStudent #white
participant Seminar #white
participant Course #white
aStudent -> Seminar: enrollStudent(aStudent)
activate Seminar
Seminar -> Course: isStudentEligible(aStudent)
activate Course
Course -> aStudent: getSeminarHistory()
aStudent --> Course: seminarHistory
Course --> Seminar: eligibilityStatus()
deactivate Course
Seminar --> aStudent: enrollmentStatus()
deactivate Seminar

The code above will result in:

Diagram made by Plant UML: A sequence diagram showing the interactions among a student, a seminar and a course. The student sends a request to the Seminar to be enrolled. The seminar sends a request to the Course to know if the Student is eligible. The Course requests the seminar history from the Student. The Student replies to the Course with his seminar history. The Course replies to the seminar with the eligibility status. The Seminar replies to the student with the enrollment status
PlantUML Sequence Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use-case diagrams describe the high-level functions and scope of a system. These diagrams also identify the interactions between the system and its actors. The use cases and actors in use-case diagrams describe what the system does and how the actors use it, but not how the system operates internally.

Use Case Diagram from

Let’s try to recreate it using PlantUML:

@startuml:Student:--(Enroll in University)
:Applicant:->(Enroll in University)
:International Student:-|>:Student:
:International Student:->(Perform Security Check)
(Enroll family member in University) -|> (Enroll in University)
(Enroll in University) ...> (Enroll In Seminar) : <<include>>
(Perform Security Check) ..> (Enroll in University) : <<extend>>

The code above will result in:

PlantUML autogenerated Use Case diagram

Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration, and concurrency. It is essentially an advanced version of a flow chart that models the flow from one activity to another activity.

Activity Diagram from Lucid Chart

Let’s recreate it in PlantUML:

:Check account;
if () then (no)
:Withdraw not allowed;
else (yes)
:Withdraw amount;
split again
end split
:Update account balance;

The code above will result in:

PlantUML autogenerated Activity Diagram

State Machine Diagram

An object responds differently to the same event depending on what state it is in. State Diagrams are typically used to depict the various states that an object may be in and the transitions between those states.

State Diagram from

Let’s recreate this diagram using PlantUML:

@startumlstate enrollment {
[*] --> Proposed
Proposed --> Scheduled

state "Open For\nEnrollment" as OpenForEnrollment
Scheduled -up-> OpenForEnrollment
OpenForEnrollment --> OpenForEnrollment
OpenForEnrollment --> Full
Full -up-> OpenForEnrollment
Full -left-> Full

state "Closed For\nEnrollment" as ClosedForEnrollment

Full --> ClosedForEnrollment
OpenForEnrollment -> ClosedForEnrollment
state "Being\nTaught" as BeingTaughtClosedForEnrollment -right-> BeingTaught : Term\nStarted
BeingTaught -> BeingTaught : Student Dropped\n[seminar size > 0]
state "Final\nExames" as FinalExamsBeingTaught --> FinalExams : Classes\nEnd
BeingTaught -> [*] : Student Dropped\n[seminar size = 0]
FinalExams -> [*] : Closedenrollment -> [*] : Cancelled@enduml

The code above should result in a diagram like:

PlantUML autogenerated State Diagram

Component Diagram

A component diagram depicts how components are wired together to form larger components or software systems. They are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems.

Component Diagram from

Let’s recreate this diagram using PlantUML:

[Seminar\nManagement] <<UI>> as SeminarManagementUI
[Student\nAdministration] <<UI>> as StudentAdministrationUI
[Facilities] as Facilities
[Schedule] <<Component>> as Schedule
[Seminar] as Seminar
[Student] as Student
() "Facilities" as IFacilities
() "DataAccess" as IScheduleDataAccess
() "Student" as IStudent
() "DataAccess" as IStudentDataAccess
() "Seminar" as ISeminar
() "DataAccess" as ISeminarDataAccess
() "Schedule" as ISchedule
() "DataAccess" as IScheduleDataAccess
DataAccess -- Facilities
IFacilities -- Facilities
IStudentDataAccess -- Student
IStudent -- Student
ISeminarDataAccess -- Seminar
ISeminar -- Seminar
IScheduleDataAccess -- Schedule
ISchedule -- Schedule
SeminarManagementUI ..> IFacilities
SeminarManagementUI ..> IStudent
SeminarManagementUI ..> ISeminar
SeminarManagementUI ..> ISchedule
StudentAdministrationUI ..> ISeminar
Seminar .left.> Schedule
() "Encryption" as IEncryption
() "Access Control" as IAccessControl
() "Persistence" as IPersistence
() "JDBC" as IJdbc
[Security] <<Infrastructure>> as SecurityInfrastructure
[Persistence] <<Infrastructure>> as PersistenceInfrastructure
[University DB] <<Database>> as UniversityDB
IEncryption -- SecurityInfrastructure
IAccessControl -- SecurityInfrastructure
IPersistence -- PersistenceInfrastructure
IJdbc -- UniversityDB
Facilities --( IAccessControl
Student --( IAccessControl
Seminar --( IAccessControl
Schedule --( IAccessControl
Facilities --( IPersistence
Student --( IPersistence
Seminar --( IPersistence
Schedule --( IPersistence
IJdbc .right.> PersistenceInfrastructure : <<requires>>@enduml


Looks good, doesn’t it? PlantUML forces me to use the standards of UML, it’s easier to design than dragging and dropping a lot of objects, it’s easier to maintain, and it’s nice to work with it. What else could I ask for?

Besides that, when used alongside Git, for example, we can even benefit from version control for our diagrams.

Give it a try, copy and paste one of the examples at: and check the results by yourself.

I hope you have enjoyed this story. See you next time!


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Raphael De Lio

Software Consultant @ Xebia - Dutch Kotlin User Group Organizer: